Here’s Why:
- Finally connect the 3 campuses as originally planned.
- Stop denying city residents access to jobs and education at UB
- Stop forcing UB students to use low capacity Stampede buses by providing fast, high capacity light rail rapid transit (LRRT)
- Stop wasting State money running a separate transit system
- Leverage the LRRT transit investment we already have.
- Stop all the pollution and take advantage of Buffalo’s hydro-powered LRRT.
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CRT Treasurer Jim Gordon interviewed on WBEN Radio
CRT comments on the FTA's DEIS for the UB/Amherst Extension
CRT Comments on FTA's DEIS for Metro Rail Expansion
CRT's Infrastructure Policy Recommendations
Development of Audubon Amherst New Community halted by Urban Development Corporation
This excerpt from the UB Spectrum in 1972: