Here’s Why:
- Finally connect the 3 campuses as originally planned.
- Stop denying city residents access to jobs and education at UB
- Stop forcing UB students to use low capacity Stampede buses by providing fast, high capacity light rail rapid transit (LRRT)
- Stop wasting State money running a separate transit system
- Leverage the LRRT transit investment we already have.
- Stop all the pollution and take advantage of Buffalo’s hydro-powered LRRT.
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CRT Treasurer Jim Gordon interviewed on WBEN Radio http://citizenstransit.org/node/214
CRT comments on the FTA's DEIS for the UB/Amherst Extension http://citizenstransit.org/node/184
CRT Comments on FTA's DEIS for Metro Rail Expansion http://citizenstransit.org/node/178
CRT's Infrastructure Policy Recommendations http://citizenstransit.org/node/173
Development of Audubon Amherst New Community halted by Urban Development Corporation https://digital.lib.buffalo.edu/items/show/84872
This excerpt from the UB Spectrum in 1972: